Friday, April 27, 2001
Never made it to the golf course yesturday. I washed my car instead.
Had a great meeting with a prospective client. They seemed excited about what we proposed and took the contract to go over it. Then I get the call later that night from my inside man that my portfolio section of our site had some errors and problems (doh!) and that the client was going to be browsing through there. I fixed the errors like in 5 mins but the client had already been in there 30 mins prior. I felt like such a loser! Needless to say I haven't heard back from them. I can't believe I dropped the ball like that!
Going to
Scarborough Faire this weekend! Highland Days!

Can you say braveheart?
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Wednesday, April 25, 2001
Sorry I haven't blogged. It's been a busy week.
Played golf on Saturday. Showed up with a lot on my mind (bad way to start) and played a horrible game (I'm behind on posting the score cards, I know).
The dot-com crunch is circling around even here at work. Not sure how long I'll be here. Working on some freelance bids I hope go through.
Other then that, my trust is in HIM.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Friday, April 20, 2001
I was able to get through 18 holes in the wind yesturday. I played with a friend of mine and another player that we were matched with.
I played a 9 hole course and went around twice.
On the 282 yd - par 4 - 8th, I sank a 22 ft putt for eagle. That's right, I said EAGLE!
I was on the green in one and made the putt (
score card coming).
On the 301 yd - par 4 - 5th (14th hole second time around), I was on the green in one again and staring at my second eagle putt for the day... in my life.
I made a birdie.
It was a good day.
I was +27 for a score of 93 (par 66)
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Thursday, April 19, 2001
This is going to suck!
Winds are gusting up to 35 mph right now. That's going to reak havoc on my golf game!! You know how hard it is to putt when the wind is strong enough to move your ball on the greens? My card is going to be embarassing...
[posted by Allan | permalink]
More new dates have just been announced on the Sade tour. These go onsale everywhere this weekend:
Onsale 4/21: Jul 30 Dallas / American Airlines Center
Onsale 4/22: Aug 4 Minneapolis / Target Center
Onsale 4/22: Aug 5 Chicago / Allstate Arena
Onsale 4/23: Aug 13 NYC / Madison Square Garden
Onsale 4/23: Aug 22 Boston / Fleet Center
[posted by Allan | permalink]
The wait is over for all American
Sade fans!
Sade has announced details of her first tour in seven years, starting with seven shows in July.
Below are the first of 30 North American dates. More details of the forthcoming shows will be posted as they become available.
july, 2001
sat, 14 Vancouver, BC: GM Place
sun, 15 Seattle, WA: Key Arena
tues, 17 San Francisco, CA: Shoreline Amp
weds, 18 Concord, CA: Chronicle Pavilion
fri, 20 Irvine, CA: Verizon Wireless Amp
sat, 21 Las Vegas, NV: MGM Grand
mon, 23 Los Angeles, CA: Hollywood Bowl
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Wednesday, April 18, 2001
Not much going on.
I am amazed at the amount of usage I am presently involved with by the Spy in the Sky. It's more then humbling.
So, after C's soccer game on Saturday do I:
- a. play golf with Dan, Robin and John
- b. go to
traders village with the family
- c. go to
Scarborough Faire with the family
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Tuesday, April 17, 2001
We're back.
Inspite of the hillbilly surroundings (pix coming soon), the people were very nice and very hospitable. It was definately a stretching experience. I actually put on a robe and "sang" in the choir of their Episcopalean church. I'll try to avoid that next time around.
Played 36 holes on the hackiest course I've ever played. No fishing was done.
I'm feeling ill. I still came in to work today because I've always thought it bad form to call in sick the day you're suppoe to be back from "vacation". I was already told that if I need to leave I can. I guess my face looks ill as well.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Thursday, April 12, 2001
Goin RV'in' this weekend.

(no, that isn't us in the pix but that's what the RV looks like)
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Wednesday, April 11, 2001
Damn! I was sooo going to do
[posted by Allan | permalink]
I forgot to mention that last Friday night I replaced my 10 gauge earrings with 6 gauge spacers. The plan is to wear 18 gauge rings through the spacers. I might have to go to a 4 gauge spacer to do this. Exciting, huh?
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Tuesday, April 10, 2001
I added my own
blog for golf. Thx
Drew, for the inspiration.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Our mechanic has been doing some work on our RV for this weekend's run to TN. We're joining some friends to their parents house about 1 hour north of Alabama. Can you say deliverance? Looks like I'll be able to play a round of 18 and get some actual fly fishing in.
Speaking of golf... my brother
Drew just put up a golf section on his blog. He's keeping a blog of courses he plays with par and his actual score with occasional digi-pix of the course. I can't wait to do that for myself sans the digi-pix :(
Other then that, I don't have too much time to add pix of any kind on here.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Monday, April 09, 2001
I had to uninstall MSIE 6.x (beta). Pop-Up windows were causing internal browser errors. You would think that something as basic as pop-ups would work. They could have just copied and pasted that part of the program from 5 into 6, couldn't they?
Great weekend of golf on TV. To anyone that would contest the Grand Slam... get real.
No new music. No new movies/DVD's. No new anything... yet. :)
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Friday, April 06, 2001
PC Users: Is it time to switch to MSIE 6.x? Find out
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Very busy day yesturday.
I was able to play a round of 18. It was great to be able to do that aftr a full days work. It only took 3 hours! I shot a 95. Because I know where I'm blowing up, if I can continue to play once a week, I'm confident that I'll be able to shave 3-5 strokes from my game by the end of May.
I've got to get some fly fishing in this year before I freak out!
More later...
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Wednesday, April 04, 2001
Sade was on Letterman last night. She is so amazing.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Tuesday, April 03, 2001
If you use the "Discuss" feature, be aware that it no longer displays the number of comments. It's a drag I know but going there to see if anyone is leaving comments might help you leave one.
To all my critic's: BlogVoices, the utility that leaves those comments, isn't mine, I didn't write it so the fact that it doesn't display the number of comments isn't my fault. (sheesh)
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Guess what I got in the mail yesturday... that's right: PAYMENT! The client sent the check like a good little client should.
Going golfing again on Thursday after work. Now that daylight savings time is here, the sun sets around 8pm right now!
The wife and kids are going to Sea World Thursday-Friday with the father-in-law. Unlike Cali where Sea World is a mere 3 hours from Metro L.A., here in Texass it seems like you have to drive across the whole state. But, Texass has been good for us financially so I shouldn't complain. The Ocean is only 8 hours away!
What else... DB's mum passed away in the last 24 hours...
We're going to pay to get the front yard manicured and totally spruced up. Then the kids can maintain it :) - we're also going to have one of our massive trees completely cut down. It's old and rotted.
If I don't stop now I'll start talking about the weather.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Monday, April 02, 2001
Are you on the 53.4% of
golfers list? I thought everybody did this...
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Great. Like we really need
this to be happening.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Golf on Friday was excellent. The weather was perfect.
I was playing really good and looking at 90-92 till about the 14th hole and then I blew up, never to recover. I still made some really good shots that I've been re-playing in my mind. I'm not sure how I pulled them off.
That client I blogged about the other day... the check should be in my hand this week :)
Spent half of Saturday working on the front yard with T. We have a huge piece of land (.9 acres), at least it feels huge when you're out there trying to keep it looking nice. We were able to accomplish about 15% of what we need to do and that's just landscaping. It's a bit overwhelming. I know I promised pictures but I avoided the home office over the weekend.
So now Bartlesville, OK isn't just famous for being the home town of POD's manager. It was mentioned as being the home town of Meadow's psycho college dorm room-mate on the Sorprano's last night. Talk about an intense show. It lives up to it's MA rating.
[posted by Allan | permalink]