Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Well, I won't have my 6820 by next weeks GMA so I won't be doing any Toothing in Nashville... darn...
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Monday, April 19, 2004
I love humans. I love this planet:
Toothing anyone?
In case you are or you aren't:
Click here
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Thursday, April 15, 2004

Omarosa Stallworth is a lying and conniving ....., as suggested on The Apprentice early on. She's evil incarnate!
We saw her true colors early on. It was obvious that she lacked the basic fundamentals of integrity, that she was a liar, deceiving, lazy and bitched about everything.
Finally, last week, as clear as day, she was caught lying, flat out lying and deceiving Kwame, her employer, on film. Then she does it again tonight. Simply not doing her task and not answering her radio was enough to disqualify her from anything and everything. Especially her allegations of racial slurring. Controversial? No. Evil.
Funny how she's going to be rewarded for displaying some of the worst human characteristics possible by getting a book deal and speaking engagements as if she was a role model for African American women... I would think someone would be put off by that possibility... but then again, she did work for Clinton and Gore. Go figure.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
How weird is this:
Based on the CD titles I would have to say that "Christians" are the most dimwitted...
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Better Late Then Never
Cindy's post about "Are PDA's Dead" and Larry's post about "What I did with my Palm last weekend" really made me start to think about the benefit and convenience of owning / utilizing a PDA in your day to day.
I consciously avoided getting a PDA for close to 4 years. Not that I didn't want one. I did. I just didn't want to get sucked into another "distraction" which would easily feed my wannabe techy personality.
Then about 4 months ago, while visiting a new church, right before the Pastor started to preach, he holds up his hand, sort of waving it in the air and what do you think was snuggly wrapped inside it... a T|T3. He asked, "how many of you still don't have one of these"?... can you say conviction... and then proceeded to preach from his PDA.
We visited that church again the next 2-3 weeks and before starting every sermon he would do the same thing; arm raised, waving slowly as to coax my addictive personality. "How many of you still don't have one of these"? That was it. I submitted.
My birthday was coming up so I decided that I only wanted one thing. A Tungsten T|T3. And just like I predicted, my addictive personality rose it's ugly head and I started consuming everything I could about these little handhelds... my precious. Frankly, I don't know how I lasted this long without one.
I run an Artist Representation firm with over 16 active clients. The majority are music related acts that tour locally, regionally and some nationally. We also consult a good number of them in the ways of this thing we call the business of music. We have a constant flow of 6 - 10 "prospective" clients on average every month to weed through and juggling all of this insanity is my trusty Tungsten T|T3.
The stock calendar with it's 4 views and color coded category lists are reason enough alone to purchase one of these gems. Being able to look at the week and month views in all their color coded glory... breathtaking. The tasks list, the freeware, let's not forget sites like this one and Brighthand; indispensable assets to the world of business!
One of the most amazing things about my T|T3 is the ability to carry our most promising artists anywhere, anytime. Let me explain.
It's Saturday night and you're out on the town at the hippest concert venue schmoozing with some "Hollywood" agent you never knew you were going to run into. You're not carrying your bands media press kit on your person. Who would be? But with my T|T3, I can confidently take it out of it's stylish black case and proceed to not only play Mr. Hollywood the latest and greatest MP3 in beautiful stereo, I can also show him the bands one sheet in either PDF or Power Point, their promotional photos in a slideshow and then close the deal by bringing up the color coded concert dates they have spanning the next 4-6 weeks! All while enjoying a couple pints of Guinness.
Of course, a mere 6 hours later I'll hear those familiar words again... "How many of you still don't have one of these"? while I search the New King James Version on my Personal Dedicated Assistant.
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
When you're bored with this blog, check this out:
[posted by Allan | permalink]
Friday and Saturday were spent with C at the Father/Son campout our church had going on. Camping without the RV is... rough, but we always enjoy it.
Did some bass fishing. There is definitely a big difference between trout fishing, which I have done for years, and bass fishing and there is a big difference between bass fishing and Texas bass fishing. Fortunately, one of the guys from church that I hit it off with early on is a big time Texas bass fisherman and he taught me a few things. I caught about 4-5 bass ranging 2-4 pounds. Very cool for someone that loves fishing that hasn't fished since Park City this time last year.
On Saturday we had dinner with the in-laws for my mother in laws birthday. I was worn out from camping and looking forward to going home but then Jerome called.
Jerome is an old friend. He was in Mortal and Fold Zandura and he's now a member of Switchfoot and went Platinum 3 weeks ago. They were playing in town Saturday night and called to invite us out. We had to say yes.
So we hung out on their tour bus for a couple hours and then we we're escorted backstage for the show. These guys are very good. They do calculated pop rock and it's working for them. They sold out every show on their present tour. Did you see them on TRL yesterday? Same ol' Jerome and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
[posted by Allan | permalink]